iGene Labserve

Gel Documentation System IG-718 GD


IG-718GD Series Gel Documentation and Analysis Systems are designed for the detection and documentation of nucleic acids and proteins. It adopts a high resolution and highly sensitive scientific CCD- Camera, which enables the instrument to capture utter weak signals under extremely low illumination condition. The automatic controls and the intuitive software we offered can help the researchers to get rid of the complicated operation process and increase the experimental efficiency. DNA/RNA detection: Ethiduim Bromide, SYBR™ Gold, SYBR™ Green, SYBR™Safe, GelStar™, Texas Red, Fluorescein, marked DNA/RNA detection.
Protein Detection: Commassie Brilliant Blue, Silver Staining and Fluorescent dyes, e.g.: Sypro™ Red, Sypro™ Orange, Deep Purple, Pro-Q Diamond etc.


  • Polymer by RIM Molding The front panel and door are designed by Reaction Injection Moulding. It is environment friendliness.
  • Upgrading easily Select one configuration for your applications now, and upgrade later when you apply different applications with adding other tray or hardware module:
    • UV transmission
    • UV+BLUE light transmission
    • UV+BLUE+White light transmission
  • Better user experience
    Based on applications, only use Arabic numerals, which are matched on different applications automatically, instead of the professional parameter of aperture and focus.
  • Switchable operation mode
    You can use your machine by standalone PC or embedded touch screen PC, just press the “switch button” easily
  • UV SMART™ transilluminator
    Compared with the traditional UV transilluminator, the “non-lamp” design of UV Smart™ provides uniform transmission and better background.
  • Blue and white Light transilluminator
    The magnetic thimble interfaces realize free switching between the blue light and white light transmission. The touchable brightness adjustment switch facilitates the gel observation and recovery.


Model IG-718GD
CCD 5.0 Megapixels/D 16bit; pixel density:16 bit
Pixel Size 2.4μm x 2.4μm
Lens Motorized F1.2 ultrafast lens
White light transmission LED white light plate;  Sample area: 20*32cm
Epi-white light Double white LED
UV Transmission Sample area: 21*26cm,Wavelength 302nm; (Optional 254nm, 365nm)
Filters Standard 590nm;Other wavelengths optiona
Filter 8 Socket Filter wheel for multiple fluorescence light module

Applicable Dyes


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