iGene Labserve


Working In A Biosafety Cabinet Level 4 Laboratory

What is it like to work in a Biosafety Level 4 lab?

Biological safety cabinets are a protection series that pertains to autoclave activities imperative in a laboratory setting. There are four different levels of a biosafety cabinet and the safety differs based on the type of organisms being experimented on and researched.

Biosafety level or BSL are the abbreviations used for Biological safety levels. So, what are these? While operating autoclaving technology in a laboratory setting, it is important to ensure the safety of the scientists, researchers and technicians doing the work.

Biosafety cabinet levels are where come into play. There are four levels in total, from level 1 to level 4 and each of them has unique safety protocols for various facilities. These are a protection series pertaining to autoclave activities that are a part of biological labs. 

Note: These four levels differ based on the types of organisms experiments are being carried out in the laboratory where level 1 being the least harmful one and level 4 being the most exotic and dangerous one.

Working in a Biosafety level 4 laboratory

Because they deal with unusual and extremely deadly microorganisms like Ebola viruses, BSL-4 labs are exceptional. These bacteria cause deadly diseases and have no known cure. Aside from level 3 concerns, the safety processes in BSL-4 labs involve decontaminating items and donning PPE from lower BSL levels. 

It’s a few of the explanations for why these laboratories are segregated and housed in a whole different facility. These biosafety cabinet labs additionally include vacuum lines, disinfection systems, and a ventilation air supply.

Some safety protocols of BSL-4

biosafety cabinet

The following safety procedures are required by biosafety cabinet level 4 laboratories:

  • Employees have to take a shower after they leave the building and change into new clothes before re-entering.
  • Before departing the facility, all items must be sterilized.
  • Employees must wear the lower BSL PPE and a full-body, air-supplied positive pressure suit.
  • Class III biological safety cabinet access

BSL-4 laboratories are quite secluded; they are frequently found in a limited area within a building or in a different structure altogether. BSL-4 labs additionally have suction lines, sanitizing systems, and a separate airflow supply.


It is physically taxing, emotionally exhausting, and cognitively stressful to work in this strictly regulated laboratory. Integrated with its high-efficiency particle air filtering systems, airlocks for entry into “hot” sections harbouring pathogens, high-pressure delta suits with oxygen supply channels for breathing, and stringent decontamination processes, the BSL-4 is designed to be among the best in the world. As mentioned above, before leaving the lab, individuals must decontaminate, take off their suits, and take three showers in the bathroom. Therefore, before being released, everyone on the team must have been within the BSL-4 for a minimum of five to six hours at a time. According to the procedure, two researchers or technical personnel would enter the testing facility at a time.

Moreover, as our brain is working in a confined space, one of the habits that our bodies learn fast is not to feel famished or thirsty; the bodysuit’s adverse airflow rapidly causes dehydration.

So, this is how it feels working in a confined space like biosafety cabinet level 4

To get similar types of BSL cabinets for your laboratory, search for iGene Labserve and visit https://www.igenels.com/ to find the type of BSL you need. For enquiries, contact us at 18005720603 and info@igenels.com

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