iGene Labserve

Double Beam UV spectrophotometer

Double Beam UV spectrophotometer what should you know?

A Double Beam UV Spectrophotometer identifies and confirms the presence of chemical species within biological specimens. The single beam of light splits into two beams through the diffraction process. The monochromatic beam selects its specific wavelength of light for the process of spectrometry.

Spectroscopy deals with the measurement of electromagnetic radiation which is either absorbed or emitted when molecules or atoms ions move from one energy state to another. UV spectroscopy supports the absorption of molecules through the process of exciting electrons from a ground state to a higher state of energy.

The application of UV Spectrometer spans over a wide scientific field in material sciences, biochemistry, molecule biology physics and chemistry. Industries that deal with semiconductors optical manufacturing and laser, printing and forensic examinations add laboratory studies deal with these instruments. The instrument quantitatively determines different analytes like organic compounds and biological macromolecules for spectroscopic analysis. The spectroscopic analysis is mostly carried out on solutions but substances in their solids and gracious states are also studied.

The high-quality grating system reduces deflecting lights and improves test precision along with a linear range. Deuterium lamps, H0203 solutions and mercury lamps improve the wavelength accuracy of the instrument.

What is the difference between a Single Beam and Double Beam Spectrophotometer? 

In a single beam Spectrophotometer, the light waves pass through the sample while in double beams the light waves split into two parts allowing only one split part of the light beam to pass through the sample. 

Single Spectrophotometer is compact and optically simpler compared to double beam spectrophotometers. These are less expensive equipment. The single beam spectrophotometers measurements ate less reproducible as opposed to double beam spectrophotometers as both the electronic and mechanical effects on the reference and sample beam are equal.

Some common problems detected by spectrophotometers are 

No light beams illuminate inside the sample chamber

if there is nothing inside the sample room the instrument will detect a high baseline noise. 

The noise is loud if the deuterium lamp is ageing and there is a deterioration of the surface of the reflector of the optical system or there are crystals in the filter.

If there is contamination detected on the inner walls of the cuvette or is strong absorption in the blank sample on the ultraviolet spectrum not supporting calibration in the amplifier.

When performing baseline scan or sample scan there is a long period of full-screen large noise and negative value as the filter feeder motor causes misalignment in gear in domestic motors. 

If the mechanism detected displacement in the wavelength transmission mechanism, there will be a malfunction. The wavelength accuracy must be checked.

Why select iGeneLabserve Double Beam UV spectrophotometer?

The Double Beam spectrophotometer from iGeneLabserve comes with an Auto wavelength selection with Individual control over D2 and Visible lamps to last a lifetime with easy lamp change operation. Large sample compartment to accommodate various path length cuvettes. Learn more about the features and benefits before you make your purchase from https://www.igenels.com/

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